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Valentín Fuster
23 Apr 2019

New study proves educating young children on health and fitness is effective

Dr. José María Mendiguren, Director de Servicios Médicos de Banco Santander, Leticia Fernández-Friera, cardióloga del CNIC y del Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe, y Dr. Valentín Fuster, Director del CNIC.
26 Mar 2019

The results, published in JACC, demonstrate the potential of this technology to generate images of the inflammation associated with systemic atherosclerosis; this information will be useful for the study of early stages of this disease and will help to identify individuals who will benefit from early medical intervention

About the CNIC
18 Jan 2019
  • ·         The Pro CNIC Foundation prolongs its commitment until 2028, with the excellent cardiovascular research carried out at the CNIC under the management of Dr. Valentín Fuster
  • ·         The innovative public-private financing formula has allowed the CNIC to reach a very high level of excellence, making it worthy of the Severo Ochoa accreditation and other international recognitions 
  • The Pro CNIC joins together 12 of the most important companies in Spain: Acciona, Santander Bank, BBVA, Endesa, Mapfre Foundation, Mutua Madrileña Foundation, Ramón Areces Foundation, Repsol Foundation, Inditex, "la Caixa", Prisa and Telefónica.
16 Jan 2019

Poor quality sleep increases the risk of atherosclerosis according to the PESA CNIC- Santander Study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC)

8 Jan 2019

The expression on lymphocytes of the molecule CD69 inversely predicts the development of subclinical (symptom-free) atherosclerosis independently of classical cardiovascular risk factors

About the CNIC
21 Mar 2018

The OTRIs are intermediaries in the science-technology-enterprise system, and their mission is to boost relations among the agents of the system

Dr. Valentín Fuster
About the CNIC
19 Jan 2018

The results of our research will allow an economic return of the investment in terms of reduction in the waiting lists, better use of the equipment or a decrease in the costs of hospitalization

Foto de grupo
14 Nov 2017

The Fuster-BEWAT score evaluates five health indicators: blood pressure, physical activity, body-mass index (BMI), fruit and vegetable intake, and smoking status

About the CNIC
6 Nov 2017

This award rewards individuals and legal entities and both Spanish and foreign entities that have distinguished themselves by the merits acquired in the fields of education, science, culture, teaching and research or that have rendered outstanding services in any of these fields in Spain or internationally

A 3-dimensional magnetic resonance image form a patient who has undergone an acute myocardial infarction. The heart is visible in the center of the image. Healthy (non-infarcted) cardiac muscle is indicated by asterisks, whereas arrows point to the infarcted region. MRI can reveal the extent of the area affected by inflammation after a heart attack (the yellow infarcted region marked by arrows). Serial MRI studies reveal thta this inflammatory reaction appears immediately after the infarction but then rapid
22 Aug 2017

The study overturns the dogma that infarction is followed by progressive repair of the injured myocardium.