Resultados de la búsqueda

Mühleder S, Fernández-Chacón M, Garcia-Gonzalez I, Benedito R Endothelial sprouting, proliferation, or senescence: tipping the balance from physiology to pathology Cell Mol Life Sci (2021) 78:1329-54
Fernández-Chacón M, García-González I, Mühleder S, Benedito R Role of Notch in endothelial biology Angiogenesis (2021) 24:237-50
Schneider J, Pultar M, Oesterreicher J, Bobbili MR, Mühleder S, Priglinger E, Redl H, Spittler A, Grillari J, Holnthoner W Cre mRNA Is Not Transferred by EVs from Endothelial and Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cells during Vascular Network Formation Int J Mol Sci (2021) 22:4050
Garcia-Gonzalez I, Benedito R Intricacies of conditional genetics in vascular biology CURR OPIN HEMATOL (2021) 28:189-197
Crespo M, Gonzalez-Teran B, Nikolic I, Mora A, Folgueira C, Rodriguez E, Leiva-Vega L, Pintor-Chocano A, Fernandez-Chacon M, Ruiz-Garrido I, Cicuendez B, Tomas-Loba A, N AG, Caballero-Molano A, Beiroa D, Hernandez-Cosido L, Torres JL, Kennedy NJ, Davis RJ, Benedito R, Marcos M, Nogueiras R, Hidalgo A, Matesanz N, Leiva M, Sabio G Neutrophil infiltration regulates clock-gene expression to organize daily hepatic metabolism eLife (2020) 9:e59258
Oesterreicher J, Pultar M, Schneider J, Muhleder S, Zipperle J, Grillari J, Holnthoner W Fluorescence-Based Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis and Flow Cytometry for Characterization of Endothelial Extracellular Vesicle Release Int J Mol Sci (2020) 21:9278
Lange M, Leonard E, Ohnesorge N, Hoffmann D, Rocha SF, Benedito R, Siekmann AF Distinct Vegfa isoforms control endothelial cell proliferation through PI3 kinase signalling mediated regulation of cdkn1a/p21 bioRxiv (2020) :018796
Luo W, Garcia-Gonzalez I, Fernandez-Chacon M, Casquero-Garcia V, Benedito R. Notch controls arterialization by regulating the cell cycle and not differentiation bioRxiv (2020) :192344
Link to bioRxiv
Laruy B, Garcia-Gonzalez I, Casquero-Garcia V, Benedito R. Endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition is induced by Notch glycosylation and upregulation of Mycn bioRxiv (2020) :295238
Link to bioRxiv
Garcia-Gonzalez I, Mühleder S, Fernández-Chacón M, Benedito R Genetic Tools to Study Cardiovascular Biology Front Physiol (2020) 11:1084
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