Resultados de la búsqueda

Soto JA, Rodríguez-Antolín C, Vera O, Pernía O, Esteban-Rodríguez I, Dolores Diestro M, Benitez J, Sánchez-Cabo F, Alvarez R, De Castro J, Ibanez de Cáceres I Transcriptional epigenetic regulation of Fkbp1/Pax9 genes is associated with impaired sensitivity to platinum treatment in ovarian cancer Clin Epigenetics (2021) 13:167
Bernal-Algaba E, Pulgarín-Alfaro M, Fernández-Cruz ML Cytotoxicity of Mycotoxins Frequently Present in Aquafeeds to the Fish Cell Line RTGill-W1 Toxins (Basel) (2021) 13:581
Marcos-Ramiro B, Gil-Ordóñez A, Marín-Ramos NI, Ortega-Nogales FJ, Balabasquer M, Gonzalo P, Khiar-Fernández N, Rolas L, Barkaway A, Nourshargh S, Andrés V, Martín-Fontecha M, López-Rodríguez ML, Ortega-Gutiérrez S Isoprenylcysteine Carboxylmethyltransferase-Based Therapy for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome ACS Cent Sci (2021) 7:1300-1310
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Utrero-Rico A, González-Cuadrado C, Chivite-Lacaba M, Cabrera-Marante O, Laguna-Goya R, Almendro-Vazquez P, Díaz-Pedroche C, Ruiz-Ruigómez M, Lalueza A, Folgueira MD, Vázquez E, Quintas A, Berges-Buxeda MJ, Martín-Rodriguez M, Dopazo A, Serrano-Hernández A, Aguado JM, Paz-Artal E Alterations in Circulating Monocytes Predict COVID-19 Severity and Include Chromatin Modifications Still Detectable Six Months after Recovery Biomedicines (2021) 9:1253
Picó S, Parras A, Santos-Galindo M, Pose-Utrilla J, Castro M, Fraga E, Hernández IH, Elorza A, Anta H, Wang N, Martí-Sánchez L, Belloc E, Garcia-Esparcia P, Garrido JJ, Ferrer I, Macías-García D, Mir P, Artuch R, Pérez B, Hernández F, Navarro P, López-Sendón JL, Iglesias T, Yang XW, Méndez R, Lucas JJ CPEB alteration and aberrant transcriptome-polyadenylation lead to a treatable SLC19A3 deficiency in Huntington's disease Sci Transl Med (2021) 13:eabe7104
Jensen LF, Bentzon JF, Albarrán-Juárez J The Phenotypic Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Exposed to Mechanical Cues Cells (2021) 10:2209
Muñoz-Sáez E, Moracho N, Learte AIR, Arroyo AG, Sánchez-Camacho C Dynamic Expression of Membrane Type 1-Matrix Metalloproteinase (Mt1-mmp/Mmp14) in the Mouse Embryo Cells (2021) 10:2448
Greco CM, Koronowski KB, Smith JG, Shi J, Kunderfranco P, Carriero R, Chen S, Samad M, Welz PS, Zinna VM, Mortimer T, Chun SK, Shimaji K, Sato T, Petrus P, Kumar A, Vaca-Dempere M, Deryagian O, Van C, Kuhn JMM, Lutter D, Seldin MM, Masri S, Li W, Baldi P, Dyar KA, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Benitah SA, Sassone-Corsi P Integration of feeding behavior by the liver circadian clock reveals network dependency of metabolic rhythms Sci Adv (2021) 7:eabi7828
Cruz-Utrilla A, Cristo-Ropero MJ, Calderón-Flores M, Velázquez M, López-Gude MJ, Revilla Ostolaza Y, Pérez Vela JL, de la Cruz-Bértolo J, Bueno H, Arribas Ynsaurriaga F, Cortina JM, Escribano-Subias P Sex Differences in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension. Treatment Options over Time in a National Referral Center J Clin Med (2021) 10
