Resultados de la búsqueda

Madeira A, da Silva CL, Dos Santos F, Camafeita E, Cabral JM, Sá-Correia I. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Expression Program upon Extended Ex-Vivo Cultivation, as Revealed by 2-DE-Based Quantitative Proteomics. PLoS One (2012) 7:e43523
Rupérez FJ, Ramos-Mozo P, Teul J, Martinez-Pinna R, Garcia A, Malet-Martino M, Camafeita E, Lopez JA, Pastor-Vargas C, Egido J, Balayssac S, Gilard V, Barbas C, Martin-Ventura JL. Metabolomic study of plasma of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Anal Bioanal Chem (2012) 403:1651-60
Calvo E, Barasoain I, Matesanz R, Pera B, Camafeita E, Pineda O, Hamel E, Vanderwal CD, Andreu JM, López JA, Díaz JF. Cyclostreptin derivatives specifically target cellular tubulin and further map the Paclitaxel site. Biochemistry (2012) 51:329-41
Rodriguez-Mahillo AI, Gonzalez-Muñoz M, Vega JM, López JA, Yart A, Kerdelhué C, Camafeita E, Garcia Ortiz JC, Vogel H, Petrucco Toffolo E, Zovi D, Battisti A, Roques A, Moneo I. Setae from the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) contain several relevant allergens. Contact Dermatitis (2012) 67:637-74
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Calvo E, Dediego ML, García P, López JA, Pérez-Breña P, Falcón A. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus accessory proteins 6 and 9b interact in vivo. Virus Res (2012) 169:282-8
Fresno C, Llera AS, Girotti MR, Valacco MP, López JA, Podhajcer OL, Balzarini MG, Prada F, Fernández EA. The multi-reference contrast method: Facilitating set enrichment analysis. Comput Biol Med (2012) 42:188-94
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Pérez-Pérez R, García-Santos E, Ortega-Delgado FJ, López JA, Camafeita E, Ricart W, Fernández-Real JM, Peral B. Attenuated metabolism is a hallmark of obesity as revealed by comparative proteomic analysis of human omental adipose tissue. J Proteomics (2012) 75:783-95
Link to the full text in Repisalud
de la Cuesta F, Barderas MG, Calvo E, Zubiri I, Maroto AS, Darde VM, Martin-Rojas T, Gil-Dones F, Posada M, Tejerina T, Lopez JA, Vivanco F, Alvarez-Llamas G. Secretome analysis of atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic arteries reveals dynamic extracellular remodeling during pathogenesis. J Proteomics (2012) 75:2960-71
Ares-Carrasco S, Picatoste B, Camafeita E, Carrasco-Navarro S, Zubiri I, Ortiz A, Egido J, López JA, Tuñón J, Lorenzo O. Proteome changes in the myocardium of experimental chronic diabetes and hypertension Role of PPARα in the associated hypertrophy. J Proteomics (2012) 75:1816-29
Goetz JG*, Minguet S*, Navarro-Lérida I, Lazcano JJ, Samaniego R, Calvo E, Tello M, Osteso-Ibáñez T, Pellinen T, Echarri A, Cerezo A, Klein-Szanto AJ, Garcia R, Keely PJ, Sánchez-Mateos P, Cukierman E, Del Pozo MA (JGG and SM contributed equally) Biomechanical remodeling of the microenvironment by stromal caveolin-1 favors tumor invasion and metastasis Cell (2011) 146:148-63
