Resultados de la búsqueda

Nieto-Marín P, Tinaquero D, Utrilla RG, Cebrián J, González-Guerra A, Crespo-García T, Cámara-Checa A, Rubio-Alarcón M, Dago M, Alfayate S, Filgueiras D, Peinado R, López-Sendón JL, Jalife J, Tamargo J, Bernal JA, Caballero R, Delpón E Tbx5 variants disrupt Nav1.5 function differently in patients diagnosed with Brugada or Long QT Syndrome Cardiovasc Res (2021) :cvab045
Nicolas-Avila JA, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Esteban-Martinez L, Sanchez-Diaz M, Diaz-Garcia E, Santiago DJ, Rubio-Ponce A, Li JL, Balachander A, Quintana JA, Martinez-de-Mena R, Castejon-Vega B, Pun-Garcia A, Traves PG, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Garcia-Marques F, Cusso L, N AG, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Roche-Molina M, Martin-Salamanca S, Crainiciuc G, Guzman G, Larrazabal J, Herrero-Galan E, Alegre-Cebollada J, Lemke G, Rothlin CV, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Reyes G, Castrillo A, Desco M, Munoz-Canoves P, Ibanez B, Torres M, Ng LG, Priori SG, Bueno H, Vazquez J, Cordero MD, Bernal JA, Enriquez JA, Hidalgo A A Network of Macrophages Supports Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Heart Cell (2020) 183:94-109
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Tinaquero D, Crespo-Garcia T, Utrilla RG, Nieto-Marin P, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Rubio-Alarcon M, Camara-Checa A, Dago M, Matamoros M, Perez-Hernandez M, Tamargo M, Cebrian J, Jalife J, Tamargo J, Bernal JA, Caballero R, Delpon E, ITACA Investigators The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the transient outward current (Ito,f) and abbreviates the action potential duration and the QT interval Sci Rep (2020) 10:10707
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Roche-Molina M, Hardwick B, Sanchez-Ramos C, Sanz-Rosa D, Gewert D, Cruz FM, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Andres V, Palma JA, Ibanez B, McKenzie G, Bernal JA The pharmaceutical solvent N-methyl-2-pyrollidone (NMP) attenuates inflammation through Kruppel-like factor 2 activation to reduce atherogenesis Sci Rep (2020) 10:11636
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Oda-Kawashima K, Sedukhina AS, Okamoto N, Lytvyn M, Minagawa K, Iwata T, Kumai T, Sato E, Inada E, Yamaura A, Sakamoto M, Roche-Molina M, Bernal JA, Sato K NF-kB signaling in cardiomyocytes is inhibited by sevoflurane and promoted by propofol FEBS Open Bio (2020) 10:259-67
Tomás-Loba A, Manieri E, González-Terán B, Mora A, Leiva-Vega L, Santamans AM, Romero-Becerra R, Rodríguez E, Pintor-Chocano A, Feixas F, López JA, Caballero B, Trakala M, Blanco Ó, Torres JL, Hernández-Cosido L, Montalvo-Romeral V, Matesanz N, Roche-Molina M, Bernal JA, Mischo H, León M, Caballero A, Miranda-Saavedra D, Ruiz-Cabello J, Nevzorova YA, Cubero FJ, Bravo J, Vázquez J, Malumbres M, Marcos M, Osuna S, Sabio G. p38gamma is essential for cell cycle progression and liver tumorigenesis Nature (2019) 568:557-60
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Luengo E, Buendia I, Fernandez-Mendivil C, Trigo-Alonso P, Negredo P, Michalska P, Hernandez-Garcia B, Sanchez-Ramos C, Bernal JA, Ikezu T, Leon R, Lopez MG Pharmacological doses of melatonin impedes cognitive decline in tau-related Alzheimer models, once tauopathy is initiated, by restoring the autophagic flux J Pineal Res (2019) 67:e12578
Garcia-Ruiz JM, Galan-Arriola C, Fernandez-Jimenez R, Aguero J, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Garcia-Alvarez A, Nuno-Ayala M, Dube GP, Zafirelis Z, Lopez-Martin GJ, Bernal JA, Lara-Pezzi E, Fuster V, Ibanez B. Bloodless reperfusion with the oxygen carrier HBOC-201 in acute myocardial infarction: a novel platform for cardioprotective probes delivery. Basic Res Cardiol (2017) 112:17
Toran JL, Aguilar S, Lopez JA, Torroja C, Quintana JA, Santiago C, Abad JL, Gomes-Alves P, Gonzalez A, Bernal JA, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Alves PM, L RB, Vazquez J, Bernad A. CXCL6 is an important paracrine factor in the pro-angiogenic human cardiac progenitor-like cell secretome. Sci Rep (2017) 7:12490
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Rios Peces S, Diaz Navarro C, Marquez Lopez C, Caba O, Jimenez-Luna C, Melguizo C, Prados JC, Genilloud O, Vicente Perez F, Perez Del Palacio J. Untargeted LC-HRMS-Based Metabolomics for Searching New Biomarkers of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Pilot Study. SLAS Discov (2017) 22:348-59
