Resultados de la búsqueda

Cortes C, Johnson TW, Silber S, Buszman PP, Poerner TC, Lavarra F, Ibanez B, Kim Y, Mischke K, Jaguszewski M, Gutierrez-Chico JL ISCHEMIA trial: The long-awaited evidence to confirm our prejudices Cardiol J (2020) 27:336-341
Laveriano-Santos EP, Parilli-Moser I, Ramirez-Garza SL, Tresserra-Rimbau A, Storniolo CE, Ruiz-Leon AM, Estruch R, Bodega P, Miguel M, Cos-Gandoy A, Carral V, Santos-Beneit G, Fernandez-Alvira JM, Fernandez-Jimenez R, Fuster V, Lamuela-Raventos RM Polyphenols in Urine and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Reveals Gender Differences in Spanish Adolescents from the SI! Program Antioxidants (2020) 9:910
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Garcia-Lunar I, Pereda D, Ibanez B, Garcia-Alvarez A Neurohormonal Modulation as a Therapeutic Target in Pulmonary Hypertension Cells (2020) 9:2521
Fabris E, Hermanides R, Roolvink V, Ibanez B, Ottervanger JP, Pizarro G, van Royen N, Mateos-Rodriguez A, Dambrink JH, Albarran A, Fernandez-Aviles F, Botas J, Remkes W, Hernandez-Jaras V, Kedhi E, Zamorano J, Alfonso F, Garcia-Lledo A, van Leeuwen M, Nijveldt R, Postma S, Kolkman E, Gosselink M, de Smet B, Rasoul S, Lipsic E, Piek JJ, Fuster V, van 't Hof AW Beta-blocker effect on ST-segment: a prespecified analysis of the EARLY-BAMI randomised trial Open Heart (2020) 7:e001316
Hausenloy DJ, Kharbanda RK, Moller UK, Ramlall M, Aaroe J, Butler R, Bulluck H, Clayton T, Dana A, Dodd M, Engstrom T, Evans R, Lassen JF, Christensen EF, Garcia-Ruiz JM, Gorog DA, Hjort J, Houghton RF, Ibanez B, Knight R, Lippert FK, Lonborg JT, Maeng M, Milasinovic D, More R, Nicholas JM, Jensen LO, Perkins A, Radovanovic N, Rakhit RD, Ravkilde J, Ryding AD, Schmidt MR, Riddervold IS, Sorensen HT, Stankovic G, Varma M, Webb I, Terkelsen CJ, Greenwood JP, Yellon DM, Botker HE. Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI): a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2019) 394:1415-24
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Tsilingiri K, de la Fuente H, Relano M, Sanchez-Diaz R, Rodriguez C, Crespo J, Sanchez-Cabo F, Dopazo A, Alonso-Lebrero JL, Vara A, Vazquez J, Casasnovas JM, Alfonso F, Ibanez B, Fuster V, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Martin P*, Sanchez-Madrid F*. (PM and FSM are co-corresponding authors) oxLDL Receptor in Lymphocytes Prevents Atherosclerosis and Predicts Subclinical Disease. Circulation (2019) 139:243-55
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Adrover JM, del Fresno C, Crainiciuc G, Cuartero MI, Casanova-Acebes M, Weiss LA, Huerga-Encabo H, Silvestre-Roig C, Rossaint J, Cossío I, Lechuga-Vieco AV, García-Prieto J, Gómez-Parrizas M, Quintana JA, Ballesteros I, Martin-Salamanca S, Aroca-Crevillen A, Chong SZ, Evrard M, Balabanian K, López J, Bidzhekov K, Bachelerie F, Abad-Santos F, Muñoz-Calleja C, Zarbock A, Soehnlein O, Weber C, Ng LG, Lopez-Rodriguez C, Sancho D, Moro MA, Ibanez B, Hidalgo A. A Neutrophil Timer Coordinates Immune Defense and Vascular Protection. Immunity (2019) 50:390-402
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Wussler D, Kozhuharov N, Sabti Z, Walter J, Strebel I, Scholl L, Miro O, Rossello X, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Pocock SJ, Nowak A, Badertscher P, Twerenbold R, Wildi K, Puelacher C, du Fay de Lavallaz J, Shrestha S, Strauch O, Flores D, Nestelberger T, Boeddinghaus J, Schumacher C, Goudev A, Pfister O, Breidthardt T, Mueller C. External Validation of the MEESSI Acute Heart Failure Risk Score: A Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med (2019) 170:248-56
Davidson SM, Ferdinandy P, Andreadou I, Bøtker HE, Heusch G, Ibáñez B, Ovize M, Schulz R, Yellon DM, Hausenloy DJ, Garcia-Dorado D. Multitarget Strategies to Reduce Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury: JACC Review Topic of the Week. J Am Coll Cardiol (2019) 73:89-99
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