Resultados de la búsqueda

Longobardi E, Penkov D, Mateos D, De Florian G, Torres M, Blasi F. Biochemistry of the tale transcription factors PREP, MEIS and PBX IN vertebrates. Dev Dyn (2014) 243:59-75
Gonzalez-Lazaro M, Rosello-Diez A, Delgado I, Carramolino L, Sanguino MA, Giovinazzo G, Torres M. Two new Targeted alleles for the comprehensive analysis of Meis1 functions in the mouse Genesis (2014) 52:967-75
Clavería C, Giovinazzo G, Sierra R, Torres M. Myc-driven endogenous cell competition in the early mammalian embryo. Nature (2013) 500:39-44
Richard C, Drevon C, Canto PY, Villain G, Bollérot K, Lempereur A, Teillet MA, Vincent C, Rosselló Castillo C, Torres M, Piwarzyk E, Speck NA, Souyri M, Jaffredo T. Endothelio-Mesenchymal Interaction Controls runx1 Expression and Modulates the notch Pathway to Initiate Aortic Hematopoiesis. Dev Cell (2013) 25:600-11
Penkov D*, San Martín DM*, Fernandez-Díaz LC, Rosselló CA, Torroja C, Sánchez-Cabo F, Warnatz HJ, Sultan M, Yaspo ML, Gabrieli A, Tkachuk V, Brendolan A, Blasi F, Torres M (DP and DMSM contributed equally) Analysis of the DNA-Binding Profile and Function of TALE Homeoproteins Reveals Their Specialization and Specific Interactions with Hox Genes/Proteins Cell Rep (2013) 3:1321-33
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Johnen H, González-Silva L, Carramolino L, Flores JM, Torres M, Salvador JM. Gadd45g is essential for primary sex determination, male fertility and testis development. PLoS One (2013) 8:e58751
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Kovacic JC, Mercader N, Torres M, Boehm M, Fuster V. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal and Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition: From Cardiovascular Development to Disease. Circulation (2012) 125:1795-808
Martin-Puig S, Fuster V, Torres M. Heart repair: from natural mechanisms of cardiomyocyte production to the design of new cardiac therapies. Ann NY Acad Sci (2012) 1254:71-81
