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E.g., 04/12/2024
E.g., 04/12/2024
Miembros del equipo del Dr. Miguel Torres.
About the CNIC
11 Apr 2024

The CNIC project will use innovative approaches to investigate cardiac regeneration

David Sancho
About the CNIC
19 Jan 2024

The ImnovAth project seeks an innovative approach to treat atherosclerosis

Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli
Descubren un factor clave que protege el corazón tras un infarto
About the CNIC
2 Nov 2022

A new study defines a mechanism that regulates inflammation after a myocardial infarction, opening a path to the use of the receptor

Los complejos I, III, y IV de la cadena de transporte electrónico mitocondrial se asocian formando grandes estructuras llamadas supercomplejos.  SCAF1 determina la asociación entre complejos de la cadena de transporte mitocondrial.
18 Oct 2022

A study, published in Nature Metabolism, is the first to demonstrate the key role played by mitochondria in adapting metabolism to different energy demands in humans

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
Dr. Pablo García-Pavía y Dr. Jesús Gonzalez Mirelis, codirectores del trabajo.
22 Jul 2022

Genetic screening combined with the detection of fibrosis identifies patients at risk of malignant arrhythmias or developing heart failure with severe complications

Enrique Calvo, Jesús Vázquez, Álvaro Alfayate, Estefanía Núñez y José Luis Martín Ventura.
28 Mar 2022

A study published in the journal eBiomedicine identifies new biomarkers that predict the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis

Álvaro Macías, Jesús Vázquez, Pilar Gonzalo, Carla Espinós, Beatriz Dorado, Emilio Camafeita, Vicente Andrés, María J Andrés, Cristina González, Amanda Sánchez, Víctor Fanjul.
26 Oct 2021

Scientists from the CNIC and the CIBERCV have generated the first experimental animal model that develops Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome and allows its controlled reversal

Dr. Jorge Alegre Cebollada
About the CNIC
10 Jun 2021

The principal aim of the AJE, the Spanish Young Academy, is to represent and give a voice to young scientists