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E.g., 09/11/2024
E.g., 09/11/2024
Ayelén M. Santamans y Guadalupe Sabio
19 Jan 2024

A team led by scientists from the CNIC and CNIO has identified a potential therapeutic target that protects the heart in patients with pulmonary hypertension

Representative results from participants showing atherosclerosis progression (left) and regression (disappearance of plaques, right) in arteries of the neck (carotids) and groin (femorals). Each image pair shows the results of the initial study at baseline and the follow-up study of the same artery 6 years later. The images show representative vascular ultrasound images on the right and 3-dimensional reconstructions on the left.
20 Nov 2023

Atherosclerosis, previously believed to be an irreversible progressive disease, can be reversed if risk factors are contolled early enough

La figura muestra imágenes mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (A y B) y tomografía computarizada (C y D) de un corazón en diástole (A y C) y sístole (B y D) para el cálculo de la función de ambos ventrículos. VD: Ventrículo derecho; VI: Ventrículo izquierdo.
12 Dec 2022

The results of the SPHERE-HF study are published in the European Journal of Heart Failure. SPHERE-HF is a multicenter academic clinical trial led by investigators at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Jesús Vázquez, Jacob Fog Bentzon, Emilio Camafeita y Esmeralda Lewis.
About the CNIC
13 Apr 2021

The new insight supports the need to keep both LDL cholesterol and blood pressure low throughout life by healthy diet choices, weight control, exercise, and, when needed, by drug therapy

About the CNIC
25 Jul 2013

El estudio demuestra que la administración de un tipo de virus capaz de sobre-expresar la proteína SERCA2A es eficaz para el tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar en los modelos animales experimentales