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E.g., 11/09/2024
El Dr. Valentín Fuster con la Dra. Guiomar Mendieta
About the CNIC
10 Apr 2024

Guiomar Mendieta has been awarded the 2023 William W. Parmley Young Author Achievement Award for a paper published in JACC that is considered to an outstanding contribution in the field of atherosclerosis

De izda. a dcha.: Gema González, Estefanía Núñez, Sergio Callejas, Juan Carlos Silla, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Valentín Fuster, Fátima Sánchez Cabo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Dopazo, Borja Ibáñez, Marta Cortés, Alberto Benguría y Antonio Quesada.
21 Jun 2023

A new CNIC study shows that low-grade systemic inflammation triggered by subcinical atherosclerosis accelerates epigenetic aging in otherwise healthy young individuals

Marta Cortés Canteli teams
About the CNIC
18 May 2022

The project will examine long-term changes in plasma biomarkers of neuronal injury, neuroinflammation, and Alzheimer's disease in participants in the PESA-CNIC-SANTANDER study who have undergone imaging studies to map brain metabolism. The goal of the project is to determine how cardiovascular risk factors during midlife impact brain function

. 3D model of a femoral artery obtained by real 3D imaging, revealing the location, number, and extent of distinct atherosclerotic plaques. In this sample, three plaques can be discerned (arrows), at the femoral bifurcation and distributed along the superficial branch.
16 Mar 2022

Scientists at the CNIC have led the development of a new three dimensional ultrasound method that improves the assessment of cardiovascular risk in healthy individuals

6 Oct 2020

CNIC scientists have shown that vigorous physical exercise is linked to "noncompaction" of the heart, causing it to acquire a spongy appearance.

29 Sep 2020

The study, published in JACC, forms part of the PESA-CNIC-SANTANDER project, led by Dr Valentín Fuster

En la imagen se muestra con un asterisco la presencia de una placa de aterosclerosis avanzada en la carótida común detectada por la técnica de ecografía 3D que no llega a ocasionar una obstrucción significativa de la luz del vaso (es <50%). Se puede comprobar con precisión su extensión en las 3 dimensiones del espacio lo que nos permite detectar cambios en su volumen para determinar si existe un avance de la enfermedad.
7 Apr 2020

A CNIC study published in JACC demonstrates that atheroma plaques extend rapidly in the arteries of asymptomatic individuals aged between 40 and 50 years participating in the PESA-CNIC-Santander study.

About the CNIC
29 Jan 2020

Dr. Valentín Fuster’s group will contribute to the iMAP project through the PESA-CNIC-Santander study