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E.g., 01/09/2024
E.g., 01/09/2024
Los adolescentes que duermen menos de 8 horas tienen más probabilidades de tener sobrepeso u obesidad
29 Aug 2022

Excess weight and metabolic syndrome are associated with cardiovascular disease, suggesting that health promotion programs in schools should teach good sleep habits

Una cámara térmica muestra el efecto de la IL-12 sobre la grasa parda en ratón.
9 Jun 2022

A study published in Hepatology demonstrates that the activation of thermogenesis in the livers of obese mice contributes to weight loss and improves diabetes symptoms

16 Oct 2020

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) review the roles of a groups of proteins called stress kinases in metabolism in an article published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology

About the CNIC
18 Sep 2019

Dra. Ivana Nikolić studies the role of T cells in the development of diseases associated with obesity

About the CNIC
1 Oct 2018

The Fundación AstraZeneca young researcher awards were created to give scientists the opportunities they deserve

 From left to right, front row: Marta Pulgarín Alfaro, Magdalena Leiva, Nuria Matesanz, Ivana Nikolic, Guadalupe Sabio; second row: Leticia Herrera Melle, Elena Rodríguez, Elena Martín García, Ayelén Santamans, Mª Valle Montalvo, Alfonso Mora, and José Antonio Enríquez.
19 Jul 2018

CNIC researchers have uncovered the mechanism by which brown fat cells are activated to generate heat and eliminate excess fatsa

11 Nov 2014

El término grasa no siempre es sinónimo de obesidad

5 Jul 2012

Ante el anuncio de la presidencia del futuro Observatorio de la Nutrición y Estudio de la Obesidad del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad

29 May 2012

Se trata de la segunda ocasión en que este galardón recae en un miembro del CNIC