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E.g., 01/09/2024
E.g., 01/09/2024
De izquierda a derecha: Immunofluorescencia en sección de corazón de pez cebra tras criolesion mostrando células proliferativas (blanco), cardiomiocitos (rojo) núcleos celulares (azul). Imagen de Microscopia electrónica mostrando mitocondrias. Gel Blue Native mostrando bandas correspondientes a supercomplejos formados por CIII (rojo) y CIV (verde).
6 May 2024

Scientists at the CNIC, CIBER, and University of Berne identify the fundamental role of a family of proteins in an essential process for cellular energy production

María Jesús Andrés, Carla Espinós (detrás), Rosa M Nevado (delante, al lado de MJA), Miguel de la Fuente, Rosa Carmona, Ana Barettino, Vicente Andrés, Pilar Gonzalo e Ignacio Benedicto.
19 Apr 2024

The elimination of progerin from vascular smooth muscle cells, but not from endothelial cells, prevents the atherosclerosis associated with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS)

Carlos Torroja, Jacob F. Bentzon, Paula Nogales, Laura Carramolino, Vanessa Cumbicus, Daniel Morales, Ana Dopazo, Verónica Labrador y Alberto Benguria
1 Feb 2024

A study published in Nature Cardiovascular Research reveals smooth muscle-derived cells as a new target for reducing the size of atherosclerotic plaque. The results open up new avenues for the design of treatments to enhance the beneficial effect of cholesterol-lowering drugs

David Sancho
About the CNIC
31 Oct 2023

Dr Sancho heads the CNIC Immunobiology Laboratory, whose work focuses on research into the function of dendritic cells and macrophages, as key immune cells that modulate immunity and inflammation, and the use of these cells in immunotherapy in a wide range of diseases

About the CNIC
30 Oct 2023

The Honorific Award for Excellence in Scientific Research is awarded in recognition of the career of scientists who have contributed to the generation of knowledge and advances in their field of specialization

Generación de células dendríticas post-sinápticas. La imagen muestra los contactos intercelulares entre las células dendríticas  y los linfocitos T. Células Dendríticas (verde) y los linfocitos T (azul y rosa)
26 Oct 2023

Scientists at the CNIC and Hospital de la Princesa-UAM have identified profound changes taking place in dendritic cells during antigen presentation to a lymphocyte via intimate contact called an immune synapse

De izquierda a derecha: Cristina Sanchez-Ramos, Nieves Garcia-Quintans, David Morera, Mariya Lytvyn, Juan A Bernal, Mª Ángeles Sanguino, Daniel Martín Perez, Fernando de Benito, David Sanz y Emilio Camafeita
23 Oct 2023

This disease, which can trigger sudden death in elite athletes, is caused by genetic mutations that affect proteins responsible for connecting and coordinating the muscle cells (myocytes) in the myocardium the heart’s muscular wall

Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli
Análisis de muestras humanas y experimentos en animales demuestran que la presencia de mutaciones en el gen p53 en sangre aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar aterosclerosis, la principal causa de enfermedad cardiovascular.
16 Jan 2023

A CNIC study extends the understanding of how acquired mutations in blood cells act as a new cardiovascular risk factor