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About the CNIC
17 Nov 2023

This work is of fundamental importance for understanding the immune system and its reactions

David Sancho
About the CNIC
31 Oct 2023

Dr Sancho heads the CNIC Immunobiology Laboratory, whose work focuses on research into the function of dendritic cells and macrophages, as key immune cells that modulate immunity and inflammation, and the use of these cells in immunotherapy in a wide range of diseases

Generación de células dendríticas post-sinápticas. La imagen muestra los contactos intercelulares entre las células dendríticas  y los linfocitos T. Células Dendríticas (verde) y los linfocitos T (azul y rosa)
26 Oct 2023

Scientists at the CNIC and Hospital de la Princesa-UAM have identified profound changes taking place in dendritic cells during antigen presentation to a lymphocyte via intimate contact called an immune synapse

De izda. a dcha.: Gema González, Estefanía Núñez, Sergio Callejas, Juan Carlos Silla, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Valentín Fuster, Fátima Sánchez Cabo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Dopazo, Borja Ibáñez, Marta Cortés, Alberto Benguría y Antonio Quesada.
21 Jun 2023

A new CNIC study shows that low-grade systemic inflammation triggered by subcinical atherosclerosis accelerates epigenetic aging in otherwise healthy young individuals

Una cámara térmica muestra el efecto de la IL-12 sobre la grasa parda en ratón.
9 Jun 2022

A study published in Hepatology demonstrates that the activation of thermogenesis in the livers of obese mice contributes to weight loss and improves diabetes symptoms

Miguel Palomino Segura, Georgiana Crainiciuc, Jon Sicilia y Andrés Hidalgo
5 Jan 2022

Scientists at the CNIC have developed a simple model for studying the behavior of immune cells in live animals and have identified a harmful cell behavior pattern associated with cardiovascular disease

David Sancho y Carlos del Fresno
18 Nov 2021

Immune therapy based on nasal administration of a preparation of dead bacteria called MV130 prevents death in experimental animals infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and increases the immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines

Manuel José Gómez, Ester Marina-Zárate, Almudena Ramiro, Ana Dopazo, Irene Fernández-Delgado, Francisco Sánchez-Madrid y Diego Calzada-Fraile
3 Feb 2021

Researchers at the CNIC have discovered that dendritic cells, which initiate specific immune responses, can reprogram their genes to improve their immune response

3 Dec 2020

A new study published in  Science Advances identifies the role of the cytosolic chaperone protein CCT in the reorganization of the cytoskeleton during the formation of an immune synapse

22 Oct 2020

CNIC scientists have discovered previously unsuspected actions of the immune system that help to maintain organ health