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E.g., 14/09/2024
E.g., 14/09/2024
Las células senescentes (mostradas por luminiscencia) aparecieron en el hombro de ratón después de la lesión
19 Dec 2022

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people and for improving muscle repair in young healthy people

An optical section from a ventral view of a mouse embryo at embryonic day E8.0. The section is overlain with a cast of the three-dimensional shape of the forming heart (red) and the incipient circulatory system (purple).
17 May 2022

The 3D atlas has allowed the scientists to identify the beginning of left–right asymmetry in the heart

Daño local en las fibras musculares tras el ejercicio. Visualización del daño local en fibras de músculo esquelético (soleous y gastro) de ratón joven tras el ejercicio, mediante la tinción con marcadores de daño local como Filamina C (verde) y Evans Blue (rojo), y los núcleos (en azul) de fibras.
18 Oct 2021

Researchers from the National Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Pompeu Fabra University describe in Science a new mechanism for muscle regeneration after physiological damage

29 May 2020

The researcher Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is one of the greatest experts in the study of the mechanisms involved, cellular and biological, in regeneration in the planaria model

31 Oct 2019

Dr. Miguel Torres, of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), leads a new project that will receive €8 million in funding over 5 years, €1,380,000 of which will be directly managed at the CNIC

Dra. Silvia Martín-Puig y Dr. Miguel Torres
About the CNIC
13 Dec 2017

The project has been set up to examine how and why the capacity to develop new cardiac cells and repair the heart after an acute injury is lost with growth

9 Sep 2015

Después de un infarto de miocardio, nuestro cuerpo sufre importantes secuelas, ya que la parte del corazón afectada por el infarto cicatriza y deja de latir.