David Sancho
About the CNIC, Research

The ImnovAth project seeks an innovative approach to treat atherosclerosis

Edward Pearce
Research, CNIC Pulse

Johns Hopkins UniversityBloomberg School of Public HealthBaltimore

David Sancho
About the CNIC, Research

Dr Sancho heads the CNIC Immunobiology Laboratory, whose work focuses on research into the function of dendritic cells and macrophages, as key immune cells that modulate immunity and inflammation, and the use of these cells in immunotherapy in a wide range of diseases

Miguel Galán, David Sancho, Stefanie K. Wculek, Annalaura Mastrangelo, Verónica Miguel ,Ignacio Heras-Murillo, Diego Mañanes, José Antonio Enríquez and Andrea Curtabbi.
Research, Publications

The discovery, published in the journal Immunity, identifies a new therapeutic route for conditions associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome, including cardiovascular disease

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